Friday, November 2, 2007

I'll Show You The Ropes Kid

Dear Blog,

So, November is National Novel Writing Month and I'm trying to write a novel in 30 days. It's 50,000 words or bust so wish me luck. I started today and finished the whole prologue. It's pretty exciting right now. I've always wanted to write professionally and stuff. That may be the only other career I could be truly happy at. I'm still thinking about it. But, I'd have to prove to myself that I could do it by finishing this novel. I've never written anything longer than 11 pages before. So, hopefully I can do it. Please, nobody let me quit too easy. Even if I don't get if finished in a month I really want to finish it.

I like LCD Soundsystem. They rock. I've been listening to "Daft Punk Is Playing At My House" really loud and quite a bit. I do silly dances and sometimes I open the windows to share my awesome jamz.

I go back and forth on this whole school thing. I know leaving is the right thing to do and it's what I'm set on doing. But there are some people here that I've gotten semi-close with in quite a short time. So, it will be kind of difficult to leave them. That kind of sucks. It's like I made the wrong decision in coming up here and tried to make the best of it. So, by the time I figured out that I never had to leave I learned how to live up here. Now it's going to be strange to leave. But, I'm not settling anymore. I'm tired of making fucking compromises. I want Bonnie and the Clydesdales to make it and the one place where that's most possible is in the metropolitan St. Louis area. So, that's where the hell I'm going to be. Srsly.

Another thing, I'm so sick of religious bullshit. I get about ten thousand pounds of it every single day here at school and it's destroyed my already shaky faith. I seriously have no idea what I believe because all these crazies and how they fuck everything up all the damn time. I'm so sick of people saying things are "on my heart" or singing or hearing about Jesus. I really need a Jesus break and maybe a prayer break. We pray way too much here. If chapel was abolished here I would have a harder time leaving. But, as it stands, chapel chases me further away from here every single Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

B Morgz

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