Thursday, November 22, 2007

Brought My Tulips For Your Two Lips

Dear Blog,

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was super delicious but filled with awkward grandparent conversations. My dad kept making strange jokes. Also, he carries dog mace with him to protect him and dog when he walks her. He likes to talk about this. It is a slight improvement over the purple toy bat he used to carry. I think maybe I ate too much.

I stayed up too late last night watching Wings on DVD. Also, during one episode I just started feeling really great and I smiled. It was a really good episode but I'm not sure what was up. I felt filled with some odd happiness. Like I would be okay on my own and no one could stop my smiling. It was so strange. I've decided to call this moment of pure happiness a Kyle moment, for my jovial BFF. If it occurs again I will refer to it exclusively as such.

So, I'm excited about the Bonnie and the Clydesdales reunion show. It's going to be super great and I haven't gotten to play with the band in such a long time. Also, I'm excited about moving back here and going to college in St. Louis and around my friends. I realized again last night how cool everyone is and how I can be myself around them. That's a good thing, I like being able to be myself and not having to put on airs to impress people. I really want to move back here and start a glorious new education adventure I think. I've been in such a good mood lately. It's really strange, but I don't think Neely O'Hara is dead.

Here's something I've written while I've been home:

Cold Feet

I picked the wrong season
To yell from the rooftops
I had no good reason
Feet just in socks
I stood so frozen
that warmth was an echo
But still so brazen
as to dream of a chateau
Young and still breathing
Out white wispy vapors
I began screaming
And tearing up papers

My chimney's not smoked for seven weeks
And the winter's been here for nine weeks
I think I will cease breathing in two weeks
But I can't stop thinking that you will come back

They were your declarations
Written in loveless
Fake affirmations
You ran off with Douglas
No one heard my wails
That seems just fine
As I hold the cold rails
No one's coming this time
Tears make no dents
In the ice packed snow
Likewise I could never
Dent your ego


My mind the propellor
Whirling like dervishes
I'll either get well
Or freeze by the furnaces
The furniture empty
I need you around
Just for the company
Maybe the sound
Not for the cruelty
But I can forgive
I'd swear my fealty
Forget what you did

Chorus x2

How weak am I
Honor's no virtue
of yours or of mine
Can't seem to forget you
Writing out treaties
That we could sign
To hear our hearts beating
Again in march time
Young and still breathing
Out white, wispy vapors
I began screaming
And tearing up papers

B Morgz

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