Friday, November 23, 2007

Is Your Friend Alright? I Thought She Was Going To Turn Into The Easter Bunny.

Dear Blog,

I had another good hangout day with my friends. We had some good times and a nice fire. Although, now I smell like smoke. Also went to the Red Lobster to get some classy food for grandma's birthday. My grandparents have the most skillful way of talking about the most boring things as anecdotes. The conversation is almost guaranteed to never ever be interesting if they are around. Just random observations about day to day life in old person land become hilarious quips or stories to them. When, in reality, these thoughts never needed to be verbalized. I'm a little mean, I know it.

I tried to make hot chocolate with custard today and it didn't go over so well. For future reference, no one try this as it is not as delicious as you would think. Custard is meant to stand alone as a holiday drink, nothing more and nothing less.

I'm about to go play some games and watch some TV and then go to sleep. Got to go to bed early to get up and cash a savings bond. My parents are going away for a week at the end of May. I'm pissed because I'll finally have a huge house all to myself and no lady to enjoy it with. It's always been my dream to have a nice house alone with a lady and no one to bother us. Cruel fate has now dangled this dream so close in front of me that it hurts my bones. Who wants to make out with me in my empty parent's house at the end of May? Anyone? Dreams make us this desperate.

B Morgz

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