Monday, September 15, 2008


My Kitty is Sick With Hairballs

The glass hall bebop is a brand new dance
You do it at night; all by yourself
Take one heart and one head
Mix it all together until something leaks out
Follow those instructions implicitly
Never stray from the quickly lit path
Shaken and unsure, arrive at your home
The place you built in hills of flesh
When you realize that the whole thing is on rails
Don't forget her telephone number
Pick up a rotary phone and have no second thoughts
Toss bricks into rocking Camaros
See what happens in the other hemisphere
Get a black eye underneath a new sky
What does everybody think of this guy
Breaking mirror and handing it to friends
Neon lights illuminate young faces
Offered lemonade is stuck up noses
Sidewalks turn to moving pathways
No one understands your languages
People from the stereo talk just like you
Bright red and always somehow dead tired
Gnawing at the edge of every hanging string
Checking lotto numbers with everyone around
Feverishly calculating odds of going big
Waiting in the outfield for a grand party
Infield yells for you to come toward the light
Clawing at choices that remain inevitable
Beating at a self-built brick wall
Trickling down clues to secret services
Receiving coded messages that may be grocery lists
You nod your head and turn out the light
Punch your stomach, hug goodbye

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