Sunday, December 30, 2007

Disagree with me and my douchey list!

Dear Blog,

Top 10 Albums of 2007

Keep in mind that I only take into account albums I have heard. Also, that I am an extremely biased and opinionated asshole. Czech it out (I'm a douche)!

10. Icky Thump - The White Stripes

This is here because I genuinely couldn't think of a tenth album. Also, the title track and Rag & Bone is some of their best material. The rest of the album just doesn't feel right to me. They're trying to hard where it used to be effortless and where Jack used to sing the truth, now he just seems wordy and confused. Find your muse Jack! Hint: It's not Karen Elson.

9. In Rainbows - Radiohead

I've heard maybe one full minute of this album. It's mostly here to give my list some indie cred. Maybe now indie chicks will dig me? In short, I haven't heard much but I liked what I heard and it might be good. Another supplement due to my lack of diversifying enough to actually have listened to ten albums that came out this year.

8. Wincing the Night Away - The Shins

At first I though the Shins had dropped the ball on this one. That they had already made something too muddled up and inconsistent, so early in their career. But, I was wrong. If you spend some time with this one it really grows on you. The turns of phrase and some of the gusto and energy on this record can really blow you away. It's a wild ride. Note: Seeing it performed live also did wonders for me.

7. Bishop Allen & The Broken String - Bishop Allen

As a band, Bishop Allen would rank above some of the artists that are above them on this list. However, as an album, this is a pretty weak attempt. Don't get me wrong, it's still absolutely fabulous. But, it's made up mostly of re-recorded tracks from the marvelous month EP's and the few new tracks are no big deal. Mind you, these songs didn't need to be re-recorded and the studio polish, additional instruments, and polished vocals seems out of place with these songs. It may just be because I fell in love with their earlier versions first but I feel like Bishop Allen should have left well enough alone and waited to record a whole album of new material. Still, when you get right down to it, they are amazing songs. That's just it.

6. Night Falls Over Kortedala - Jens Lekman

Jens Lekman is so charming. If I had a daughter, he could totally date her. I would have them over to my house and Jens and I could play cards, sit, and chat. Jens' music is just as charming as he looks. This Swede brings the classy tunes and a voice that breaks my heart but commands my attention. The songs are so catchy that you don't realize they're brilliant until after a few play throughs.

5. The Stage Names - Okkervil River

The first song on this album sold me entirely. It resonates right there with me. That being said, it's a fantastic album, with the sharpest lyrics that you could never think of. Okkervil River is one of those bands that is so brilliant that you can't listen and think "I could've written that." Because, you certainly could not have. It blows me down even when I have no idea what's happening.

4. The Shepherd's Dog - Iron & Wine

Sam Beam totally delivers on the promise he has showed in all of his past releases, which were brilliant in their own right. But, here Beam elaborates on so many themes and let's a sharp production value guide him to heights he has never soared too. He was meant for these sharp and focused tunes. It breathes his whole power right into you in a soulful yet effortless manner. Great driving music.

3. Neon Bible - Arcade Fire

I have to admit, I listen to some of these other albums a lot more than this one. But, you cannot deny the power and brilliance of Arcade Fire. There is not a bad song on the album and they are all brilliantly arranged and meant to blow your heart right out of your body. Probably the best record of '07 but, my favoritism and personal bias figures it down to third.

2. Reunion Tour - The Weakerthans

Lyrically brilliant, The Weakerthans never miss a step. These songs are so poignant that they ache to be memorized and played over and over again. Also, you can totally turn it up and rock out. It's so much fun but at the same time it's depressing and awkwardly filled with truth. Stories of the working class never sounded so good!

1. Emerald City - John Vanderslice

One of the best records to listen to with your headphones on. JV and Scott Solter know their goddamn analog recording. This record sounds sharp and every second is meticulously crafted to sound just like they wanted it to. The album rolls along like a steam train pouring out strange and beautiful poetry. Kookaburra is the best opening track of any album, ever. How you get acoustic guitars to sound like that is beyond me. To all the critics that complained about JV making another album fixating on 9/11: Fuck you guys. Everyone is still fucking fixated on it. Whether it's conspiracy theorists or the governments or anyone. It hasn't gone away. It's not like the record even shoves it in your face. It's still a relevant theme to elaborate on the political climate of fear. FUCK YOU PITCHFORK!!!

Thanks for reading gang. Hope you enjoyed my outright opinions on what is sure to be the most egotistical top 10 of 2007.

B Morgz

Monday, December 17, 2007

Something's happening

Dear Blog,

It's been busy times at the end of the semester. I should really get back to studying. Just popped in to say hi and share some writings from recent days. Both written in Media and Society.

I just looked up some sweet buffalo and bison pics on Wikipedia. There is a difference you know. Also, I have been listening to lots of MC Frontalot. He is a funny, white rapper man with serious verbosity that I enjoy.

Here's the writings:

Galloping Gift Horses, Frances

I grew up with my father
telling me not to look at a gift horse
especially not in the wrong way
We had a lot of money from oil
That shot from the ground like a galloping
horse that I'm not supposed to look in the mouth

Every Salem

My cousin in Nevada picks up the phone
She hears on the other end a low groan
I say "those sinless started throwing stones"
As you may have guessed, my cover is blown

I am moving out of Salem today
For good, for good I am on my way
I expect my enemies to be a delay
Ruthlessly I will move them out of my way

I pack it all up in a big, black chest
After entering the numbers, I let the lock rest
Against cold steel that will stand test
My earthly belongings are a bulletproof vest

I am moving out of Salem today
For good, for good I am on my way
I expect evil men to try and make me stay
Mercilessly I will shove them out of the way

Down at the rust-smelling trainyard
My black loafers hit the ground hard
I look back and sprint faster toward
The train, I board quickly, the whistle roars

I am moving out of Salem today
For good, for good I am on my way
Vile ruffians want to make me pay
I will loose hells gates to keep them out of my way


B Morgz

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Always questions

Dear Blog,

Guys! Rock Band is really cool. You should all come play it now.

Also, I hope I don't die during finals week. Wish me luck.

It is bedtime now.

B Morgz

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cat Stevens FTW

Dear Blog,

Kyle and I agree that Cat Stevens and hookah would go perfect together. It played for one brief second and was gone. They change it back to hip-hop. It was okay though, I was chilling and calm. Smoking hookah was one of the best experiences I've ever had. It was totally amazing. I was so calm and relaxed. I could talk about anything I wanted. It was so free and the hookah tasted great. I'm glad to be having new experiences and defying the college.

It had been a really bad week (See my earlier post). But, now I'm feeling downright giddy. This might not even last till morning but I hope it does.

I got a nice bag of food from the college for finals week. It's apparently something my parents pre-paid for. It is very delicious and Kyle and I have already torn into it. Fantastic!

Hooray for good moods! Hooray for hookah! Hooray for everyone! Hip-hip hooray!

B Morgz

I don't want to watch a horror story Benjamin

Dear Blog,

Could someone please get me out of here? I can't believe I have to rot here for eight more days and then come back for a semester and continue rotting. Then go off to another summer and college where I have no idea whether I'll sink or swim. I can't get this whole thing off my back and I don't even know how much better I'll feel when I'm back home. Better, for sure. But, maybe still not so great.

I think I waste time better than anyone I know. But, I'm not proud, it gets you into lots of tricky situations. My guitar is still missing a string. Still. I wish I could play it. That was never a waste of time.

I wonder if I can go these last eight days without spending any money.

B Morgz

Sunday, December 9, 2007

whoa man, I just thought of a better way to surprise both of your spouses

Dear Blog,

It's been a bit of a boring weekend. I won't go over the specifics. I feel, sometimes, like I'm just writing a boring account of my day. That's not cool. No one really wants to read that. Even I don't think it's very interesting.

I might have time to transcribe some more It's Ben's Life now that I have no homework left to do. So, for the two or three people that may or may not read it, look for that.

I'm still reading "The Wal-Mart Effect" by Charles Fishman. I would recommend it if you want to understand our current economical state better. Or if you want to understand Wal-Mart and it's choke hold on our economy better. Either way it's a super interesting read. I find that I like more non-fiction lately. The bonus is that non-fiction makes you look smarter. The ladies love that, don't they? I can't remember.

I still can't play my guitar but have no idea where to find a fucking G string. I finally found a music store but they had no single G strings for sale.

Only nine days left to go! Hoo-rah!

I really hate the idea of living with a stranger next year and all the turmoil that could create. I don't know how I would be able to handle that. I need a safe space to relax and be myself at. A space that I can be guaranteed to be safe at. When that is changed or invaded I have problems. Sometimes I worry a lot and it's been one of those times pretty constantly lately.

I wish I didn't constantly wonder when I will stop being single. Why do I have to be paralyzed by that sometimes? It's a debilitating situation for me and I don't think it has to be. I thought I had a handle on it at one point. But, I'm learning that I don't usually have as much control over things as I think I do. It's a shocking and disheartening realization. Word up.

B Morgz

Friday, December 7, 2007

i'm a special boy

Dear Blog,

I just finished some Christmas shopping and got to play Rock Band again. That made me happy on the very inside. I still haven't finished all my shopping, which is small due to my absent income. I bought Superbad for myself and lolzed along with my friends.

Wal-Mart is bad. Don't shop there no more.

I'm very concerned about this college switching thing. I know it's the only thing I've ever been thinking about lately, but it's very important. I know that I should leave here but I have no knowledge that Webster will be a success. I will have to be much more independent than I'm used to being. It could be bad times for a bit. I'm scared to stop going to school with Kyle. We've always had each other's backs. I don't know if I can do school without him. It won't be the same. We'll be further apart than I'd like.

I feel like next year is shaping up to be far too decisive and unpredictable. I have no idea where everyone is going to end up. But, some of our decisions next year will affect us for the rest of our lives in a significant way. That scares the shit straight out of me. Why does it all have to come so soon?

As further proof of my desire to leave; here's a poem I wrote after chapel today about how I hate the school and how it operates.

I've got Christian moms in acid-washed jeans
Thumping bibles at little, old me
It doesn't help that they're just nineteen
This place isn't what I thought it ought to be

They clamp open your mouth and ears with righteous hands
Pouring in sick, sharp thorns and the blood of their man
They dance and weep like it's a promised land
Communities with rule books demand I cut off my right hand

The girls in a greenhouse, like precious virgin flowers
Not to be scandalized until the proper hour
They are forbidden to go near the animal man's tower
They think this gives them holy light and all-consuming power

I'll tell you one thing about their damn upturned noses
They never have the time to stop and smell forbidden roses
I will roll in debauchery until the smell imposes
All their rules, heads in asses, that keep the time line frozen

Holy Moses, all their prayer is making me pull hairs
They've got some morals, so they might as well share
Shoving everything together in a garish flare
So that when they bend you over, everyone can stare

Scribbling and sweating over folded notes to Jesus
Treating us like children, thinking songs are gonna please us
I'm tired of the flashing warnings speaking of diseases
Do you think I could escape on one of those right wing rant breezes?

B Morgz

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Won't Fuck Us Over

Dear Blog,

I just got finished doing my very last physical fitness test for Theory of Wellness. I can finally say goodbye to that shitty health/PE class. It was just one big repeat of high school, which, trust me, I did not want or need.

I tried to work on the guitar some last night and I broke a string. But, I was able to keep playing on Kyle's guitar. He is a nice guy, that Kyle.

I still haven't finished my speech that's due tonight for a group meeting. Oh, well. I'm not too worried. I am going to go work on that now. No Thursday nap for me. Kyle is sleeping right now and I can hear his soft breathing. That sounds creepy. I hope he is dreaming about rabbits in a field.

Still waiting for the steam train home. But, I think I can make it. I might freeze first, though. It's so ball busting cold here. I had to walk seven minutes out to the gym in shorts. Then I had to walk back after rigorous exercise. So far, not a good day. I am going to go take a shower now. Because, I am gross and need the heat.

Wow, these are getting boring. I promise to really spice the next one up. Or just not type it when I'm super exhausted, which I've been doing lately.

Oh, I forgot to mention, my movie review comes out in today's Collegian. I am excited to see my words in print in the newspaper. Super excited!

B Morgz

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sing Me Spanish Techno

Dear Blog,

I have been a busy beaver today. I put three whole seasons of It's Ben's Life on my computer. You can check them out at the official blog of It's Ben's Life here. You should check it out if you wish for maximum lolz.

I feel so unmotivated to work on any sort of school work at all. I did nothing today but get some books for a speech that's due soon. The rest of the day I just sat around and kicked Guitar Hero III's ass. I'm glad that I went out and bought it, otherwise I would've procrastinated in a more boring way.

The day of escape draws nearer. Oh how I treasure it like an old time prospector treasures the gold he imagines is off in the distance, in them thar hills. He thinks he can make it to the gold before he passes out. He puffs and wheezes, cresting the summit. In a less fancy way, though, I am still wishing to be gone. Hard to shake that feeling.

I should be playing the real guitar more. Why don't I try harder to follow my musical dreams? Sometimes I wonder why I'm so lazy about the things that matter the most to me. Like something is just going to happen. Yeah right.

Would anyone be interested in receiving a winter mixtape I just made up? I might give it as sort of a Christmas present thing. Just tell me somehow if you are interested. It's pretty nice. I like it.

B Morgz

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Slut, Asshole, Slut, Asshole, Slut, Asshole!

Dear Blog,

It's been a bit of a boring weekend except for seeing the Rocky Horror Picture show. It was one of the best things I've ever been too. It was like a cool, refreshing drink of water compared to the hot, intolerable desert of Asbury and it's goddamned community standards. Speaking of Asbury, I cleaned up my movie review for the paper and I am even happier with it than before. It taught me some valuable lessons indeed.

I am starving for Christmas Break out here. Besides the fact that I desperately yearn to play Rock Band and hold it's glory in my tiny, cabbage hands. I also just yearn for some escape and relief. I'll keep holding on I suppose but finals cannot get here quick enough. It's been boring here lately with no homework and being a little too sick of Guitar Hero I + II. I have too much free time and the days are moving way too slow.

Also, the Mountain Goats played a killer setlist for free to NYU students recently. I was very jealous. This is why I need to go to ZOOP! in the summer. To see my dream of a truly great Mountain Goats setlist achieved.

I got some new Bright Eyes, New Pornographers, and three Mountain Goats Christmas songs recently. I have only listened to some of the New Pornographers so far but it seems nice. I plan to jump on the tMG Christmas songs as soon as I finish this post.
I will also go ahead and post the poem I promised all the way in the last post.

Something I Can Dance To
By Ben Morgan

Utah hates the government and flat out revolts
Holy amazing
fantastic blitzkrieg
After the bum rush
no one can lie
Government trackers
tracing the Salt Lake
looking for people
to make some examples
But I hid in the back of the drug store

I tried to sleep for quite awhile
But every five to seven minutes
I wake up feeling
the g-man's hand
on my collar
No one is more panicked and stressed out than I am (seriously I'm eating my own hair)
Bombs burst brave
over deaf dumb dead cities
dead dead dead dead dead dead dead (why my little sister oh I couldn't protect her)
I'm crying while whatever Mr. Jones was prescribed is wearing off (I can't pronounce it)

Bright flash
loud quiet voices
hush hush
I cower
Black flashlights
guns GUNS!

dragging me to the gallows
It's a brand new inquisition
They don't give me one last request
But I would've asked for something I could dance to

B Morgz