Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finishing the Purple Notebook

Dear Blog,

Still working on the story, it's called "Other Important Things" I think. It's something Mellor said today that struck me. I just finished off a purple notebook that I have had for two semesters and two classes here. It has brought me some really good poetry and I commend it. Here's the last poem is was able to eek out:

A Writer Writes

I wrote a long, boring novel
that no one will read
about a parent's approval,
stagecoaches, and greed.
The protagonist jumped up
right out of the page
but had no timeless phrases
on his lips to say.
I've left it all stacked
on the top of my mantle
hoping to catch flame
from a curious candle.
I want everything burning
all through the night.
Then, I think, at last
I would know what to write.

B Morgz

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Glad you finished the notebook.

I wish I could write even half as well as you can, Ben.