Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Thermals and How They Rock My World

The Thermals are so good that I can't stand it sometimes. I only have The Body, The Blood, The Machine but I have played it countless times already in my two weeks here at college. It's such a versatile record. If you wanna get serious it's got stuff to get serious to. Or if you wanna scream stuff it's got stuff you can scream and feel awesome about. Or if you just wanna rock out to some cool jams it's got some cool jams for your rocking pleasure. Or maybe you just wanna be blown away by clever turns of phrase. Well, it's got that as well my friend. First I got hooked on Here's Your Future and it was sort of a one song love affair. I thought the rest of the album was just pretty good. But, I kept listening and I realized that the whole album is phenomenal and every song is a precious gem shining among the golden coins of indie rock. My personal favorite tracks: Here's Your Future, An Ear for Baby, St. Rosa and the Swallows. I don't have their two previous albums but I've heard that they are nothing short of top notch as well. I mean, I have trouble believing something could beat The Body, The Blood, The Machine but I do have "No Culture Icons" and it's pretty damn good.... so, who knows? Also, please watch the sweet ass video for "Pillar of Salt" it is awesome and crazy and smile inducing and it stars Sirs Colin Meloy and Benjamin Gibbard. Basically, it's one of the best music videos to ever grace YouTube. It has so much indie in it that it almost blew my brains apart and I'm pretty darn indie so.... take that for what you will.

B Morgz

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