Saturday, July 19, 2008

Older Poems

Cat Walks By
by Benjamin Morgan

I've got hobbies
Just enough of them
To build a fort
Inside my spinal nerve endings
I built a supply line
to my brain
So they can start a wall
Maybe one day it's a fort
No one gets in
Nothing gets out
I can be a pitch perfect machine
If you'll just let me be
If the waves come up to the edge of my beach house
I will not be afraid nor will I begin talking to my realtor

Bless This Home
by Benjamin Morgan

My mother stood on a hilltop and shot my sister
It didn't feel bad at first
And then it really got inside my head
What was happening, I mean
It was something that would hurt for awhile
But not something that would stop me
I felt so driven after that
Everything moved so quickly
Now I'm here
Writing it down to mail it off to a man
A man in southern Greece
When he gets it he has instructions
To dig up the floorboards of a house I purchased there
Bury the letter
And burn everything to the ground
What I'm trying to say is my mother stood on a hilltop

camping at the center of the crater
by Benjamin Morgan

Hey mom why won't girls love me
Hey mom why won't girls touch me
Hey mom I'm getting lonely
I thought I'd write to you from Wisconsin summer camp

The trees are all full and thick with green leaves
And Shelly's learning how to play green sleeves
I want to lay Shelly down in the green leaves
And learn my first steps like she learns green sleeves

Goodbye Oklahoma
I never want to see that state again
Goodbye Dairy County
I never want to visit home again
And the strangest thing that I ever saw
Happen to a full grown man
Was when one broke down crying
On a futuristic Tokyo tram
I was just a tourist with wide eyes
I touched his shoulder and he cried
For the lost love of his tender, doe-eyed
Female companion who he wronged

But i ain't wronged nobody
Since the last thing I remember
Is the first smile I ever got back
From a bench, in a rainy December

But here at summer camp it never rains much
We're always getting too much of the sun's touch
I run outside naked to brown my new body
But everyone stays indoors and gets lonely

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